Sudden Oak death treatment



Santa Cruz tree service is fully equipped and  insured to handle all type’s of tree care jobs large and small .  If you need expert Tree Trimming  by a licensed Arborist , Safe large Tree Removals or  small scale Logging   you can count on us.

With over 30 years of county wide tree service in the Santa Cruz area we have the experience and equipment to give you professional tree care no matter what your needs areInsurance work welcomed .

We are a complete arborculture service who will give you prompt Professional tree care in the Santa Cruz area

Our clients come first

Call now to set a appointment with  a licensed arborist to come to your property to asses the health and safety of your trees and give you a Free cost quote for the work you would like done.

                                                         Licensed and insured

 For professional Tree Service in Santa Cruz call       831-818-2110           Or for a prompt- FREE online   appointment

Leave your Name and Contact  Number below

And Leave a brief description of what your concerns are and we will contact you to set up a meeting

Please fill out form for a quick responce

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Thank you I will contact you shortly Larry


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 Posted by at 6:52 pm